Peter Lambson, MFTi - Intern Therapist

Peter got his bachelor’s degree in violin performance, and a minor in psychology from the University of Utah. Peter is currently in a masters program through Abilene Christian University studying to be a licensed marriage and family therapist.

Whether Peter is performing on the violin or in a therapy session with clients, his goal is the same; to bring peace, balance and healing into other’s lives.

Peter has always believed that the only way to get past difficult emotions in life is straight through them. For Peter that means making sure therapy is a safe, non-judgemental, and relaxed place for clients to let down their walls and truly express what they are going through and experiencing mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Finding the words and the courage to speak one’s truth is where healing begins and Peter has experienced that in his own life personally and in his marriage.

Peter lives in Sandy with his wife and two boys. Peter plays violin in the Salt Lake Symphony and in the pit orchestra for Broadway musicals and operas in Salt Lake City. In his free time Peter loves to ski and wander the aisles of Ikea with his wife and boys. As a student marriage and family therapist, meeting with Peter is a great opportunity to get the therapy you need at a discounted price.